How do I apply my coupon?

You can apply your coupon or discount code before proceeding to the checkout page if you haven't paid for a subscription yet or on the Subscription page if you are already subscribed.

a) If you don't have an active subscription

  1. Apply the coupon code when setting up your new automation in step 8.

  1. Next, click on Start your automation to add your billing and payment details and proceed to the checkout.

b) If you have an active subscription

1. Enter your 2sync app dashboard. From the homepage, you can access it through the Go to application button.

2. Hover on the icons on the left menu and click on Subscription.

  1. Scroll down and click on Apply coupon.

  1. Lastly, write your coupon code in the text box that will pop up next.

Note: If you have a coupon code for a different subscription plan, apply the coupon code first and downgrade or upgrade your plan afterward.

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