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Subscription FAQs
Billing and subscription FAQs
What is 2sync's refund policy?
How much does 2sync cost?
Why should I pay for this?
How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I apply my coupon?
Will the upcoming automations be included in the pricing?
Can I change to a yearly plan later?
How can I change my subscription plan?
How can I pause my subscription?
Can I pay with PayPal?
Is this service free?
Can I pay for your service from Russia?
Do you offer a custom subscription plan?
Do you have a trial version?
Can I share a plan with my students?
Which payment methods are available for purchasing 2Sync?
Do you offer discounts?
How can I download my invoices?
Can I get an invoice as a company?
How can I add or change my payment method?
How can I change my VAT number?
How can I edit my billing details?