How can I connect Apple Calendar to Google Calendar?

You can import Outlook and iCloud calendars directly on Google Calendar. And then, you can use our tool to sync with Notion. The only limitation is that it would be in one direction (Calendar to Notion).

Connect Apple Calendar to Google Calendar

Step 1: Getting a link to the Apple Calendar

  1. On your desktop or laptop, Go to your iCloud account.
  2. Click on the Calendar icon.
  3. On the left part of your screen, you'll see the list of your calendars. Click on the Share button next to the calendar you'd like to export.
  4. In the Calendar Sharing popup, check the Public Calendar option. A link will appear below. You may need to triple-click this link to ensure you've selected the entire URL.
  5. Copy this link for the next step.

Step 2: Adding your Apple Calendar to Google Calendar

  1. On your desktop or laptop, go to your Google Calendar Account.
  2. Find the Other calendars section on the left of the screen. Tap on the Plus icon (+) to bring up additional options:
  3. Select From URL from the options provided.
  4. Enter the URL you copied from either your Calendar app or, and click Add Calendar. Your Apple Calendar events will appear momentarily.
  5. You can modify the name of your imported calendar by clicking the three dots beside the calendar under the Other calendars section and then clicking Settings from the options provided.

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